





$ps -ewf|grep pg468619
pg468619  24097      1  0 Jul29 ?        00:00:17 /path/to/postgres -D /path/to/data


$cat /proc/24097/cgroup


$cat /path/to/rule3038/blkio.throttle.read_iops_device
8:0     200
8:16    200
$cat /path/to/rds/rule3038/blkio.throttle.write_iops_device
8:0     200
8:16    200


cgset -r blkio.throttle.write_iops_device='8:0 200' rule3038
cgset -r blkio.throttle.write_iops_device='8:16 200' rule3038


$ll /dev/sda
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 May 18 13:59 /dev/sda
$ll /dev/sdb
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 16 Jul 31 07:45 /dev/sdb



$psql -p 3038 -U pg468619 postgres


postgres=# create role digoal login encrypted password 'digoal';
postgres=# grant all on database postgres to digoal;

创建测试表,用于存储主节点插入XLOG的LSN以及备库接收、写、FLUSH、APPLY的XLOG LSN位置,以便计算主节点产生XLOG的速度和备库延迟的字节数。

postgres=# create table tbl_xlog_insert(id int,
sec numeric default EXTRACT(EPOCH from clock_timestamp()),
xlog_lsn text default pg_current_xlog_insert_location(),
sent_lsn pg_lsn,
write_lsn pg_lsn,
flush_lsn pg_lsn,
replay_lsn pg_lsn);


postgres=# \c postgres postgres
postgres=# create or replace function f_test(int) returns void as $_$
  v_tbl name := 'tbl_'||pg_backend_pid();
  ddl text := ' (id int8';
  set synchronous_commit=off;
  execute 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '||v_tbl;
  -- 创建一个201个字段的测试表.
  for i in 1..200 loop
    ddl := ddl||',c'||i||' int8 default 0';
  end loop;
    ddl := ddl||') ';
  execute 'create table '||v_tbl||ddl||' with (autovacuum_enabled=off,   toast.autovacuum_enabled=off)';
  execute 'insert into '||v_tbl||' select generate_series(1,'||$1||')';
  execute 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '||v_tbl;
  -- 插入当前的XLOG位置, standby接收到的位置. 可能有一定的反馈延迟,延迟10毫秒
  perform pg_sleep(0.01);
  insert into tbl_xlog_insert(id, sent_lsn,write_lsn,flush_lsn,replay_lsn) select   pg_backend_pid(), sent_location,write_location,flush_location,replay_location from   pg_stat_replication limit 1;
$_$ language plpgsql strict security definer;
postgres=# GRANT execute on function f_test(int) to digoal;


postgres@digoal-> cat test.sql
select f_test(5000);


postgres@digoal-> pgbench -M prepared -n -r -f ./test.sql -c 1 -j 1 -t 100 -h  digoal0001.pg.rds.aliyuncs.com -p 3999 -U digoal postgres


postgres=# select round(0.001*pg_xlog_location_diff((lead(xlog_lsn,1) over(order by sec))::pg_lsn,xlog_lsn::pg_lsn)/(case lead(sec,1) over(order by sec)-sec when 0 then 1 else lead(sec,1) over(order by sec)-sec end), 2)as gen_xlog_KBpsec,
round(pg_xlog_location_diff(xlog_lsn::pg_lsn,sent_lsn)/1024.0, 2) AS sent_xlog_delay_KB,
round(pg_xlog_location_diff(xlog_lsn::pg_lsn,write_lsn)/1024.0, 2) AS   write_xlog_delay_KB,
round(pg_xlog_location_diff(xlog_lsn::pg_lsn,flush_lsn)/1024.0, 2) AS flush_xlog_delay_KB,
round(pg_xlog_location_diff(xlog_lsn::pg_lsn,replay_lsn)/1024.0, 2) AS replay_xlog_delay_KB
from tbl_xlog_insert where id=(select id from tbl_xlog_insert order by sec desc limit 1) order by sec;
 gen_xlog_kbpsec | sent_xlog_delay_kb | write_xlog_delay_kb | flush_xlog_delay_kb | replay_xlog_delay_kb
          814.87 |            8616.37 |             8616.37 |             8616.37 |              8616.54
          809.63 |           10752.44 |            13952.44 |            16896.44 |             16898.04
          802.75 |           12747.91 |            14795.91 |            17227.91 |             17227.92
          821.96 |           12173.92 |            16269.92 |            19981.92 |             23022.60
          820.87 |           13167.77 |            17515.32 |            19799.77 |             23168.63
          581.98 |           15177.93 |            19553.93 |            23009.93 |             26213.85
         1320.19 |           12735.36 |            17087.36 |            20415.36 |             24112.03
          818.03 |           17281.54 |            21761.54 |            25729.54 |             28560.27
          808.66 |           17093.73 |            21445.73 |            25413.73 |             26377.87
          .                  .                     .                     .                     .
          .                  .                     .                     .                     .
          .                  .                     .                     .                     .
          .                  .                     .                     .                     .
          806.56 |           79064.04 |            83544.04 |            87128.04 |             90281.66
          804.10 |           82864.95 |            87472.95 |            87472.95 |             92209.77
          802.53 |           84598.83 |            88310.83 |            91766.83 |             95275.68
          598.90 |           82998.66 |            90038.66 |            90038.66 |             93495.39
         1304.52 |           84704.81 |            89184.81 |            92768.81 |             92768.95
          807.26 |           86847.66 |            91199.66 |            94527.66 |             97583.47
          823.86 |           89209.00 |            93561.00 |            97785.00 |             97785.32
          805.17 |           96967.23 |           101319.23 |           105287.23 |            108879.23
          829.41 |          101531.95 |           105883.95 |           109979.95 |            113468.85
          797.81 |          101999.23 |           106479.23 |           110447.23 |            110448.48
          609.47 |          102789.51 |           107269.51 |           111109.51 |            114741.74
                 |           99381.25 |           103861.25 |           107573.25 |            111083.62
(100 rows)

XLOG产生速度约800KB/s, 由于XLOG盘的IOPS限制,导致STANDBY延迟不断增大。为了排除并不是网络延迟导致的延迟,我们可以使用systemtap跟踪wal sender、wal writter进程的IOPS以及wal sender进程的网络吞吐。

需要先安装kernel debuginfo,跟踪指定postgres wal writter进程,获取读写IOPS:

\# vi io.stp
global reads, writes, total_io

probe vfs.read.return {
    reads[execname()] += 1

probe vfs.write.return {
    writes[execname()] += 1

\# print every 1 seconds
probe timer.s(1) {
    foreach (name in writes)
        total_io[name] += writes[name]
    foreach (name in reads)
        total_io[name] += reads[name]
    printf ("%16s\t%10s\t%10s\n", "Process", "SUM Read IO", "SUM Written IO")
    foreach (name in total_io-)
        printf("%16s\t%10d\t%10d\n", name,
               reads[name], writes[name])
    delete reads
    delete writes

\# print total_io when exit
probe end {
    foreach (name in total_io-)
        printf("%16s\t%10d\t%10d\n", name,
               reads[name], writes[name])
    delete total_io

\# stap -vp 5 -DMAXSKIPPED=9999 -DSTP_NO_OVERLOAD -DMAXTRYLOCK=100 ./io.stp -x $pid

跟踪指定postgres wal sender进程,获取网络传输速率:

\# vi net.stp

global ifxmit, ifrecv
global ifmerged
// 定义3个全局变量, 分别用于存储传输,接收,以及合并数组;
// 传输和接收数组中存储统计信息;
// 合并数组存储网络接口上按照pid(), dev_name, execname(), uid()维度累加的传输和接收包个数.

probe netdev.transmit
  ifxmit[pid(), dev_name, execname(), uid()] <<< length
// netdev.transmit 探针, 网络设备传输buffer时触发.

probe netdev.receive
  ifrecv[pid(), dev_name, execname(), uid()] <<< length
// netdev.receive 探针, 从网络设备接收数据时触发.

function print_activity()
  printf("%5s %5s %-7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %-15s\n",
         "PID", "UID", "DEV", "XMIT_PK", "RECV_PK",
         "XMIT_KB", "RECV_KB", "COMMAND")

  foreach ([pid, dev, exec, uid] in ifrecv) {
          ifmerged[pid, dev, exec, uid] += @count(ifrecv[pid,dev,exec,uid]);
  foreach ([pid, dev, exec, uid] in ifxmit) {
          ifmerged[pid, dev, exec, uid] += @count(ifxmit[pid,dev,exec,uid]);
  // 按照倒序输出
  foreach ([pid, dev, exec, uid] in ifmerged-) {
    n_xmit = @count(ifxmit[pid, dev, exec, uid])
    n_recv = @count(ifrecv[pid, dev, exec, uid])
    printf("%5d %5d %-7s %7d %7d %7d %7d %-15s\n",
           pid, uid, dev, n_xmit, n_recv,
           n_xmit ? @sum(ifxmit[pid, dev, exec, uid])/1024 : 0,
           n_recv ? @sum(ifrecv[pid, dev, exec, uid])/1024 : 0,
// 输出: pid, uid, 网络接口, 传输包数, 接收包数, 传输KB, 接收KB, command.


  delete ifxmit
  delete ifrecv
  delete ifmerged
// print_activity 函数, 按照pid,dev,exec,uid维度, 根据网络接收和传输包数倒序输出.
//            n_xmit ? @sum(ifxmit[pid, dev, exec, uid])/1024 : 0,
//            n_recv ? @sum(ifrecv[pid, dev, exec, uid])/1024 : 0,
//  表示传输和接收的KB数.
// print_activity 函数的末尾清除三个全局变量的值. 下次调用时重新输出上一次输出以来的统计信息.

probe timer.s(1), end, error
// 每1秒调用一次print_activity .

\# stap -vp 5 -DMAXSKIPPED=9999 -DSTP_NO_OVERLOAD -DMAXTRYLOCK=100 ./io.stp -x $pid

因为生产上没有debuginfo的包,没有办法完成以上跟踪。不过为了验证不是网络原因导致的问题,还有其他手段。sar \-n DEV 1 100000也可以查看网络传输。iotop则可以观察进程的IO,很遗憾生产上也没有iotop。

那么接下来,放开cgroup的限制,我们可以通过sar \-n DEV 1 100000观察一下网络带宽: 主库和备库的postgres进程都从cgroup移除:

\#cat /proc/50511/cgroup
\#cgdelete memory:/rule3008
\#cgdelete cpu:/rule3008
\#cgdelete blkio:/rule3008

$cat /proc/119876/cgroup

\#cgdelete memory:/rule3090
\#cgdelete cpu:/rule3090
\#cgdelete blkio:/rule3090


\#ethtool eth0|grep Speed
        Speed: 1000Mb/s


01:54:24 PM     IFACE   rxpck/s   txpck/s    rxkB/s    txkB/s   rxcmp/s   txcmp/s  rxmcst/s
01:54:25 PM        lo    132.29    132.29     29.42     29.42      0.00      0.00      0.00
01:54:25 PM      eth0  85685.42   6495.83 125161.86    538.14      0.00      0.00      0.00
01:54:25 PM      eth1    125.00     77.08     32.55     34.17      0.00      0.00      2.08
01:54:25 PM     bond0  85808.33   6570.83 125192.78    572.14      0.00      0.00      2.08

01:54:25 PM     IFACE   rxpck/s   txpck/s    rxkB/s    txkB/s   rxcmp/s   txcmp/s  rxmcst/s
01:54:26 PM        lo    125.00    125.00     28.50     28.50      0.00      0.00      0.00
01:54:26 PM      eth0  85412.50   6509.38 124869.50    519.73      0.00      0.00      0.00
01:54:26 PM      eth1    129.17     97.92     11.04     57.40      0.00      0.00      0.00
01:54:26 PM     bond0  85544.79   6611.46 124883.69    577.44      0.00      0.00      0.00

当然,完全开放IOPS也有风险。如果网络带宽低于主节点产生WAL的速度,可能导致备库需要的WAL在主库WAL被快速回收,这种情况下,备库如果不能从任何地方获取到需要的XLOG,则备库会处于青黄不接的状态。我们需要考虑调整相应的wal keep segments,或者备库使用归档进行恢复,脱离青黄不接的状态。


postgres=# select round(0.001*pg_xlog_location_diff((lead(xlog_lsn,1) over(order by sec))::pg_lsn,xlog_lsn::pg_lsn)/(case lead(sec,1) over(order by sec)-sec when 0 then 1 else lead(sec,1) over(order by sec)-sec end), 2)as gen_xlog_KBpsec,
round(pg_xlog_location_diff(xlog_lsn::pg_lsn,sent_lsn)/1024.0, 2) AS sent_xlog_delay_KB,
round(pg_xlog_location_diff(xlog_lsn::pg_lsn,write_lsn)/1024.0, 2) AS write_xlog_delay_KB,
round(pg_xlog_location_diff(xlog_lsn::pg_lsn,flush_lsn)/1024.0, 2) AS flush_xlog_delay_KB,
round(pg_xlog_location_diff(xlog_lsn::pg_lsn,replay_lsn)/1024.0, 2) AS replay_xlog_delay_KB
from tbl_xlog_insert where id=(select id from tbl_xlog_insert order by sec desc limit 1) order by sec;
 gen_xlog_kbpsec | sent_xlog_delay_kb | write_xlog_delay_kb | flush_xlog_delay_kb | replay_xlog_delay_kb
       306692.66 |         2763682.05 |          2769058.05 |          2769058.05 |           2773902.84
       310323.46 |         2821964.55 |          2826060.55 |          2826060.55 |           2830312.84
       286290.82 |         2878171.34 |          2882267.34 |          2882267.34 |           2888606.55
       308019.02 |         2933665.58 |          2937761.58 |          2937761.58 |           2941141.12
       347211.31 |         2992420.60 |          2996516.60 |          2996516.60 |           3000172.73
       339915.61 |         3049958.89 |          3054054.89 |          3054054.89 |           3060592.84
       345896.39 |         3110687.52 |          3115295.52 |          3115295.52 |           3123686.84
       326032.85 |         3169349.81 |          3174213.81 |          3174341.81 |           3176994.25
       309214.90 |         3223985.07 |          3231409.07 |          3231409.07 |           3234051.52
       335529.65 |         3273305.11 |          3277529.11 |          3277529.11 |           3286191.45
       329873.46 |         3330912.32 |          3335008.32 |          3335008.32 |           3343094.45
       293908.19 |         3386875.67 |          3392251.67 |          3392251.67 |           3398439.91
       329390.57 |         3439531.98 |          3443627.98 |          3443627.98 |           3448171.41


91812                           2015-07-31 05:55:40 UTC 00000                                           LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at B/7A000000 on timeline 1

91812                           2015-07-31 05:55:40 UTC XX000                                           FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 000000010000000B0000007A has already been removed

91833                           2015-07-31 05:55:45 UTC 00000                                           LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at B/7A000000 on timeline 1

91833                           2015-07-31 05:55:45 UTC XX000                                           FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 000000010000000B0000007A has already been removed



  1. 限制XLOG盘的IOPS,在用户长时间临近IOPS限制的操作下,可能导致备库延迟,同时可能带来心跳超时的问题。
  2. 如果不限制XLOG盘的IOPS,那么可能导致主节点产生WAL的速度过快,超出网卡的带宽(目前来看,换万兆网就可以解决这个问题),这样的话主库的XLOG可能会被覆盖掉,备库会无法获取需要的XLOG。


  1. 不限制XLOG盘的IOPS,同时使用万兆网卡。
  2. 备库配置restore command,当主库的WAL被覆盖后,使用归档恢复。


文章来源:PgSQL · 答疑解惑 · RDS中的PostgreSQL备库延迟原因分析

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